Monday, November 23, 2015


My Topic and Why I chose It:
In this blog I will be discussing the American education system and the many complications of the system that have harsh effects on the nation's children in three large areas, race, class, and gender. The topic of the failing education system in the United States is hardly discussed in debates or heatedly commented on at the family dinner table. I chose this topic because of this reason, to shine light on an often over looked topic. I also chose this topic because education is a valuable aspect of my own life and I want education to be the same for all of the nation's students.

Research Process:
Initially, I went for general education statistics from government sponsored databases. Statistics were key in the development of my essay as they gave the reader large amounts of reputable information that cannot be argued. I then read many books about writer's personal opinions about the topic to gain some knowledge about my audience. Some of the opinions were valuable enough to include in my essay to drive home my point with something other then facts. My research was fairly easy, the statistics were easy to find, with most of them being found online, while the opinions were found in collections of essays from my school's library.

Get Involved: 
You can get involved easily in the fight to change America's education system. Change can be as small as taking control and getting involved in your child's education. Your simple emphasis and concern on what they are learning can make a difference in how well a child does in school. This helps your child be the best student that they can be. As discussed in my essay, not many children or schools have the materials that they need to be educationally successful. Doing small things such as donating school supplies can help those children and schools gained the materials they need to thrive. You could even work at a bigger level by writing your congressmen and women, school district members, any one that has a hand in education and get their attention with your opinion. You never know what their response might be and maybe you'll incite the change you want to see.

Projects Like Mine:
To view other college students work similar to mine visit:

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